What's changing in the digital media landscape?
I was asked to talk to college students about how digital media is changing journalism at last week's Illinois College Press Association...

Being strategic about social media (Part II): Facebook
Second in a series on social media strategic planning Last week, I wrote about coming up with a strategic plan for social media instead...

Management style: It's about them, not you
"It is never too late to be what you might have been." -- George Eliot We should be constantly evolving throughout our careers. Your...

What I am losing sleep over: #5 We're too boring to read
Last week, I told you five things I'm not losing sleep over. This week, I'm writing about the five things that are keeping me up at...

What I am losing sleep over: #4 Pun headlines
My first three posts of things I'm losing sleep over were fairly complicated and filled with gray issues: 1. Math, numbers, digits 2....

What I am losing sleep over: #3 Plagiarism, fabrication
So far, I've told you I'm losing sleep over math and privacy and fairness. Neither of those are simple issues. And neither is the next...

What I am losing sleep over: #2 Privacy, fairness
So what am I tossing and turning about at night? This week, I'm covering five things that I'm losing sleep over. Yesterday, I confessed...

What I am losing sleep over: #1 Numbers
After last week's series on things I'm losing sleep over, I thought it's only fair to tell you what is keeping me up at night....

Five things I'm not losing sleep over recap
To recap from my quick blog series, here are the five things I'm not losing sleep over: 1. More than v. over 2. Question headlines 3....

Five rules I'm not losing sleep over: #5 Starting with conjunctions
All week, I've been writing about things I'm not losing sleep over. The rules I've burned millions of calories stressing over that aren't...