Do news publishers stand a chance of winning the content war?
Facebook is opening Instant Articles to any publisher of any size. Apple is opening Apple News to any publisher of any size. Google has...

5 ways to increase your social media credibility
Trust and credibility are critical. No ethical editor would purposely publish errors or bad info. This is a no-brainer, right? What about...

The groan heard 'round the world: Facebook changes feed again
Facebook announced this week that it's now going to use "qualitative feedback" to determine what stories appear in your feed. I'm torn on...

Being strategic about social media (Part II): Facebook
Second in a series on social media strategic planning Last week, I wrote about coming up with a strategic plan for social media instead...

Great info graphic comparing social media use
Here's a great info graphic that sums up who's using what social media platform and how. Interesting to see that Twitter is steadily...